Swedish Minister Margot Wallström says Syria talks need more women
Would the Syrian peace process have a better chance of success if there were more women at the negotiating table? Sweden's Foreign Minister Margot Wallström believes so and she's pushing a feminist foreign policy. Her philosophy is "more women, more peace."

In 2014, longtime Swedish social democratic politician Margot Wallström was given her government's foreign affairs portfolio, and said there would be no more games or realpolitik.
Swedish foreign policy would be principled, blunt and explicitly feminist.

Wallström believes Syria's peace process would have a better chance of success if there were more women at the table. It's what she calls "feminist foreign policy."
Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Margot Wallström joined The Current's Anna Maria Tremonti to explain her push for more women, more peace.
This segment was produced by The Current's Vanessa Greco.