The Current for March 29, 2019
Today on The Current: We look at Bill 21, the proposal to ban religious symbols in certain Quebec workplaces; plus, researchers are getting closer to male contraception, but will men take it?; and are scientists trying to find a cure for Alzheimer’s too focused on trying to find a magic bullet?

Today on The Current:
- The Quebec government has tabled its long-awaited secularism bill, laying down proposed ground rules it says will ensure religious neutrality. We speak to Coalition Avenir Québec member of the National Assembly Christopher Skeete about Bill 21, and hear from two teachers with opposing views on whether the hijab should be worn at the head of the classroom.
- Researchers in several countries are exploring options for male contraceptives similar to the pill, and scientists say they're getting closer to putting something on the shelves. But will men take them, will women trust men to take them — and why didn't this happen years ago?
- The cancellation of a clinical trial for a potential Alzhemier's drug is raising questions over the feasibility of the "amyloid hypothesis" — a specific theory for a cure that scientists have been pursuing for years. Do scientists need to start exploring new avenues?