The Current for March 3, 2022

Today on The Current:
Opposition to the bombardment of Ukraine is growing in Russia, but publicly protesting the invasion carries its own risk. Matt Galloway talks to prominent Russian researcher Sergey Utkin, and Moscow-based freelance journalist Yana Pashaeva.
Plus, refugees of colour have reported racial discrimination as they tried to flee Ukraine. Ghanaian medical student Jesse Michael Gogoe tells us what he faced trying to reach Poland; and Juliana Wahlgren, acting director and senior advocacy officer for the European Network Against Racism, discusses the double standards in attitudes around refugees.
Then, a narwhal who strayed from his Arctic habitat was taken in by beluga whales, showing up each year since 2016 in the Saint Lawrence River. Now, researchers are watching to see if the unusual pod could produce a baby "narluga" — a cross between a narwhal and a beluga whale. Whale researcher Robert Michaud tells us more.
And Steve Fonyo lost a leg to cancer and raised millions to fight the disease by running across Canada. He was awarded the Order of Canada in 1985, only for it to be revoked in 2009 following several criminal convictions. After his death last week, aged 56, his family and friends are calling for his Order of Canada to be posthumously restored.