Bathroom design has much 'Room for Improvement'

Listen to a short clip on what to expect to hear in our full take down on bathroom design:

Bathroom design in most Canadian homes has hardly changed in a hundred years. And despite some noble attempts to re-imagine it.. it's surprisingly difficult for people to accept changes to the way bathrooms are designed. But many experts say it's time to take our lavatories into the 21st Century.
Today as part of our series By Design, our producers Shannon Higgins and Kristin Nelson are exploring the the dirty little secret behind the design of one of the most intimate spaces in our homes.
Illustrations of the Alexander Kira Bathroom Design
Toronto designer Lloyd Alter explains the principles he used while designing his washroom.
What do you think... should bathrooms be more about functionality or fashion?
Tweet us @thecurrentcbc with #bydesigncbc. Or email us from our site. And as always you can find us on Facebook too.
Why the modern bathroom is a wasteful, unhealthy design - The Guardian
The History of the Bathroom Part 5: Alexander Kira and Designing For People, Not Plumbing - Lloyd Alter,