Checking-In: Bathroom design, Glyphosate risks, medical marijuana research

It is Thursday. The day we dedicate a segment of The Current to our listeners.
Our Friday host Tom Harrington, former co-host of Marketplace and the newly named host of The World This Hour, joined Anna Maria in studio, to share your thoughts on the stories of the week.
Today's segment includes:
Bathroom Design: North American bathroom design has barely changed in a hundred years. And despite attempts to improve it, changing what we're used to has proven surprisingly difficult. We examined bathroom layout and design - from the squatty potty... to the composting toilet... to ultra high-end design.
Joe Schwarcz followup/Glyphosate: After speaking to Joe Schwarcz on how facts are misconstrued in the media with self-proclaimed experts. Some of you took issue with what he had to say about a herbicide called glyphosate. We looked into the matter with John R. McLaughlin who has researched glyphosate very closely.
Sandra Lansky: Meyer Lansky was once one of the biggest names in American organized crime. He was also the father of Sandra Lansky. She shares her experience growing up in Gangland.
"I am Freddie Gray": After yesterday's documentary about the death of Tyrone West, who died after being arrested almost two years ago. We introduce you to two people in Balitmore who were at a rally for Freddie Gray.
Medical Marijuana: Pot dispensaries are taking over Vancouver storefronts, despite the fact that selling marijuana from a storefront violates federal drug laws. But what is missing is the research to determine the benefits and potential safety concerns of prescribing the drug. Now, a new initiative in Quebec is trying to change that.
As always we love to hear from our listeners. We go through all the feedback that comes to us. Get in touch.
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This segment was produced by The Current's Josh Bloch, Kristin Nelson, Carole Ito and Pacinthe Mattar.