The Current for May 6, 2020

Today on The Current:
The pandemic has created pandemonium for the travel industry, cancelling everything from short getaways to trips of a lifetime. We discuss whether things will ever be the same again.
Then, sports-starved North American audiences are about to be treated to Korean baseball. What can fans expect?
Plus, former NHL tough guy Georges Laraque shares his fight with COVID-19, and says we all need to take it seriously.
And our national affairs panellists Murray Mandryk and Kady O'Malley discuss the federal government's new agricultural relief, and whether Conservatives are struggling to connect with voters during the pandemic.
How are you feeling as the lockdown drags on? A little bored? A lot bored? Very bored?! We talk to neuroscientist James Danckert about why we're feeling this way, while clinical psychologist Dr. John Eastwood says it might even serve an important purpose.
Then, with quieter roads and fewer cars, there's a biking boom happening across Canada. We look at whether it will last, and what could be done to make it safer on our streets.
Plus, when Montreal-based artist Maryze wrote a song for her hospitalized grandmother, she never expected the chaplain to play it for the entire facility. They join us to discuss the healing power of music.
And we hear about the shadow the pandemic has cast on Ramadan, and how Muslims are coping in unusual times.