Lessons from the bee hive teach us how to better communicate and be present

"Bees are the canary in the mine - they are a consequence of how we've chosen to manage the world."- Mark Winston on what bees can teach humans

You'll find him working the smoker to keep the bees nice and calm as he visits an apiary, located right in downtown Vancouver.
It is a happy calming place for Mark Winston becasuse he has spent a lot of time with bees in his life.
For four decades, Mark Winston has been studying bees as a biology professor at Simon Fraser University. And while he's now a Senior Fellow at Simon Fraser's Centre for Dialogue, he still spends time with the bees whenever he can.
Mark Winston believes there's much to be learned from these fascinating insects. He's written a book, called "Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive," to help share their wisdom. The book has just won the Governor General's Literary Award for non-fiction.
Mark Winston joined Anna Maria from our Vancouver studio.

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This segment was produced by The Current's Liz Hoath.