The Current

The Current for Oct. 22, 2020

Today on The Current: Staying fit through a COVID-19 winter; Road to November: Tennessee, and what’s important to young voters, Pope Francis endorses same-sex civil unions, Google faces antitrust lawsuit.
A man sits on a chair, looking at the camera
Matt Galloway is the host of CBC Radio's The Current. (CBC)

Full Episode Transcript

Today on The Current:

A COVID-19 outbreak that started at a Hamilton spin studio is raising questions about how Canadians will continue to exercise and stay healthy this winter, as the colder weather forces people indoors. We talk to gym owners Victoria Wickett, of Bomb Fitness in Toronto, and Melanie Wall of Inferno Fitness in Sherwood Park, Alta. And epidemiologist Raywat Deonandan explains why when it comes to gyms, it's better to keep them open with tight controls than to close them outright.

Then, we continue our Road to November series ahead of the U.S. federal election with a stop in Tennessee. We'll hear from young people about what's important to them in this election, and why they're voting. Our guests are Austin Dowell, a Nashville native and Democrat, and Alex Schramkowski, chair of the Tennessee College Republican Committee and a first-year law student at Belmont University in Nashville.

And, in a new documentary, Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions for the first time in his role as head of the Catholic Church. Father James Martin, editor at large of America Media, and Joey Laguio, who is gay and was raised in the Catholic church, share their reaction. 

Plus, we examine how a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit against Google could remake the global tech landscape. Antitrust expert and author Sally Hubbard joins us for that discussion.