Anna Maria on 'Reviving Riace' and Ripple Effect
This season, The Current brings you Ripple Effect. You'll hear all sorts of different stories that have to do with unintended consequences... the happy accidents, or unforseen dire effects of anything from a government policy, to a technological breakthrough.
On Tuesday, we look at the ripple effect of people fleeing war-torn homelands, and transforming their new homes. Domenico Lucano was born and raised in a small town in southern Italy. But with few jobs prospects, his town of Riace slowly emptied out.
Nearly a ghost town, Domenico became mayor - a mayor with a grand plan to repopulate the village. Tuesday, we bring you a special documentary, "Reviving Riace", by host Anna Maria Tremonti.
Listen to a preview of some of the other stories that we will be bringing you in this series. Anna Maria joins Piya in studio to share what is in the works for the new season of The Current, starting next week.