Rachel Notley: 'Alberta is facing serious economic challenges'

"We're the only province without a renewable energy strategy. The only province without an energy efficiency strategy. These are the kinds of things we need to work on."- Alberta Premier Rachel Notley
It was a big change in Alberta politics in May when NDP leader Rachel Notley swept into power with a huge majority. Her victory brought down the province's 44-year-long dynasty of Conservative rule.

But, in the end, there was little time for celebrating.
With the price of oil tumbling, and sending Alberta into recession, Premier Notley was soon down to the tough business of running the province.
True to her campaign promises, she has raised corporate taxes, and launched two separate panels -- to review royalty rates and study climate change.
And her Alberta shakeup has not gone unnoticed -- or unremarked upon -- in the federal election with Conservative leader Stephen Harper calling Premier Notely and her NDP -- quote -- "a disaster."
Rachel Notley joined Anna Maria in Edmonton yesterday.

Want to add your thoughts on the direction Rachel Notley is taking the province? Let us know, whether you're an Albertan or not.
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This segment was produced by The Current's Elizabeth Hoath and Calgary Network Producer Michael O'Halloran.
♦ Notley aiming for middle ground in environmental reforms - The Globe & Mail
♦ Provincial NDP returns fire after new Harper blast - Calgary Herald
♦ Build, baby, build the Alberta NDP's unofficial motto - Edmonton Journal