French-language leaders debate: Quebec panel tallies score

Last night's French-language leaders debate was the first chance Canadians have had to see all five federal leaders together on one stage. The first and only chance. And it had some feisty moments.
While the NDP enjoyed great success with Quebec voters in the last federal election, new polls suggest a that so-called "Orange Wave" of support may be softening.... meaning that Quebec votes could make all the difference on Election day.
We convened three Quebeckers who watched the debate, and have been following the campaign closely:
- Antonia Maioni is a professor of political science at McGill University.
- Alain Dubuc is an economist and a columnist for La Presse.
- Christian Bourque is Executive Vice-President and pollster at Leger.
If you've paying attention to the campaign in Quebec, let us know what matters to you in this election... and your impressions of how the campaign is playing out.
Tweet us @thecurrentcbc. Post on our Facebook page or send us an email.
This segment was produced by Montreal Network Producer, Susan Mckenzie.