'Hillary man or Trump man?' Maybe neither: Virginians on U.S. election

I tell you what, in all reality I'm going to hold my nose when I go into the ballot box. - Danny Bowers
This summer, The Current's Anna Maria Tremonti set off on a road trip in search of the best bluegrass — and ended up talking politics. She travelled The Crooked Road to Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, a stretch of Virginia that meets up with North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia — a region called Appalachia.

As luck would have it, Anna Maria arrived at the Floyd Country Store on a Friday night, when a weekly jamboree brings a cluster of people of all ages together to join in the lively gathering of music-lovers.
If I was, I would vote for [Hillary] ... I quit years ago.- Florence Perdue no longer votes
From that night, Anna Maria met voters in Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains and asked them which U.S. presidental candidate should occupy the White House.
'[Trump] kinda appeals to what America was 20 years ago, I guess what the working side of America was — good old boys and fixing things and not taking no crap and there's right and wrong and no grey areas.'- Jeremy Cup
This documentary was produced by The Current's Anna Maria Tremonti, Pacinthe Mattar and Josh Bloch.