We should correct other people's spelling and grammar
Erica Sigurdson and Sterling Scott want you to read their ellipses over whether or not it’s acceptable to correct other people’s spelling and grammar.

Erica Sigurdson and Sterling Scott want you to read their ellipses over whether or not it's acceptable to correct other people's spelling and grammar.
Erica Sigurdson clearly spells out her commitment to preserving the English language.
I am out there on the front lines every day trying to save the English language and that my friends, is a labour of love. And that's labour with a 'u'.- Erica Sigurdson
But Sterling Scott delivers compound fractures to his opponent's argument pointing out the negative side to constantly criticizing.
We literally refer to people that obsess over spelling and grammar as 'grammar nazis'. I don't know if you know their history but that's not a group you want to be affiliated with!- Sterling Scott
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