It's finally time to pick up and leave the big city
Whereas living in places like Toronto is getting too expensive, be it resolved it's time to pick up and leave the big city. Graham Chittenden and Chris Locke metropo-list the pros and cons of living outside the city.

Whereas living in places like Toronto is getting too expensive, be it resolved it's time to pick up and leave the big city. Graham Chittenden and Chris Locke metropo-list the pros and cons of living outside the city.
Graham Chittenden says the best way to move on up is to move on out of the big city!
Move to the Burbs, where four hundred grand gets you a reasonable size house with a yard, a driveway for cars you can now afford. In Toronto, 800 grand will get you a house where the only feature listed in the ad is 'potential.'- Graham Chittenden
But Chris Locke says he's sittin' pretty in the city!
Live in the city. We got everything in walking distance! This is my impression of you in your rural town: 'I'm bored! I'm going to go get a hot dog at Petro Canada!'- Chris Locke
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