You'll Have Another
What are the invisible forces that determine what's in your drink?

What are the invisible forces that determine what's in your drink?
This week on The Fridge Light, we take a look at the odd job of alcoholic beverage brand ambassador — and how their influence extends all the way to your home liquor cabinet.
- Jamie Johnson, brand ambassador for The Balvenie, on the soft Scotch sell.
- Robert Simonson, drinks writer and author of A Proper Drink, on how brand ambassadors came to be — and why they might actually be bad for the bar industry.
- Swag for swigs? New Orleans bartender Tyler Pratt on how a free hat sold him on a new tequila brand.
- How do personal relationships inform what gets poured into your drink? A chat with Alex James, Toronto Temperance Society bartender.
- Plus, bar owner and Hennessy ambassador Jordan Bushell on the 'butterfly effect' a good brand ambassador can have.