Debate wars - In House panel

The Conservative aren't the only ones trying to shape the debate anymore... or maybe we should say shaping the DEBATES.
After being publicly rebuffed by the Conservatives, the group of broadcasters that includes CBC, Radio-Canada, CTV and Global, in partnership with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine and YouTube, has reached an agreement to hold two debates, one in French and one in English.
The NDP, the Liberals, the Greens and the Bloc Quebecois have all agreed to attend.
The broadcasters "are optimistic that this new proposal will be accepted by the Conservative Party of Canada."
The announcement came after the Conservatives agreed to take part in two leaders' debates: one strictly on the economy organized by Google and The Globe and Mail, another on foreign policy set up by the Munk Debates. The party said yes to debates organized by Maclean's and Rogers, as well as one on the private French television network TVA.
Terry Milewski is the senior political correspondent at CBC News and Tasha Kheiriddin is a columnist for the National Post and a regular panelist on Power and Politics.