Balanced budget... and more tax cuts?

What will be in Tuesday's federal budget? The Finance Minister has already confirmed he'll deliver a balanced budget -- the first since 2007 -- but what else? Employment Minister Pierre Poilievre joins us with a preview.
There's change brewing in Ontario. The province will sell 60 percent of the provincially-owned electrical utility Hydro One. They're bringing in a new beer tax. Critics call all of this a cash grab. The Premier says she wants to invest in infrastructure projects. Oh, and did we mentioned the province also announced it was joining Quebec's cap-and-trade system. Premier Kathleen Wynne joins us to explain her choices.
After signing a major deal to sell uranium to India, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall argues that nuclear energy could help Canada reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. He explains his thinking.
What will 200 Canadian troops be doing to train Ukrainian soldiers? Defence Minister Jason Kenney discusses Canada's latest move in the ongoing conflict. He also brings us the latest developments in the fight against ISIS.
Finally. Terry Milewski and Tonda MacCharles join us to discuss the latest developments at the Mike Duffy trial and how the opposition parties plan to use what's been said in court when Question Period resumes on Monday.