Jim Prentice on Alberta's controversial budget and a possible early election
Alberta Premier Jim Prentice has argued this week's tough budget was necessary to makeup for billions in lost oil revenue and to insulate the province's day-to-day spending from roller-coaster swings in energy prices. Is he now getting ready to go to the polls?

It was bad news across the board for Albertans on Thursday.
The latest provincial budget, the first since Jim Prentice became Premier, included tax and fee increases, as well as a historic $5 billion deficit.
"This has been one of the hardest budgets to develop in many years and has required tough decisions," Finance Minister Robin Campbell told reporters.
Premier Premier Jim Prentice has billed the document as necessary to make up for billions in lost oil revenue and to insulate the province's day-to-day spending from roller-coaster swings in energy prices.