In House: Senate leadership under the AG's microscope

Can the reputation of the Red Chamber recover?
The Auditor General's report into Senators' expenses won't be made public until next week, but we already know the names of three senators who are in the bad books for expense claims -- and they just happen to be the three most powerful figures in the Senate.
Senate Speaker Leo Housakos, Claude Carignan, the government leader in the Senate, and Opposition Leader James Cowan have all been flagged for inappropriate expenses ranging from a few thousand dollars to over $10,000.
The three senators also sit on the subcommittee handling the response to the audits, prompting the question: can the Senate be trusted to audit itself?
In House panelist Chris Hall broke the story, and joins Rosemary Barton to dig into the implications of the report -- for the Senate, for all three main political parties and for Canadians.