Does the government's math add up?

This week on The House, Finance Minister Bill Morneau explains what impact the tax changes brought in by his government will have on the country's bottom line, and his Conservative and NDP critics, Lisa Raitt and Guy Caron, also join us to discuss what they fear might be wrong with the Liberals' math. We'll talk about Friday's announcement aimed at cooling off the country's housing market, too.
What comes after Paris? Following marathon negotiations at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, the world will now have to turn words into actions. Green Party leader Elizabeth May joins us from Paris.
The Prime Minister is promising a new era in the relations with the country's indigenous peoples and his government has launched the first phase of the national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women... but are First Nations satisfied with words, or are they waiting to see if actions follow before passing judgement? The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Perry Bellegarde, joins us.
Finally, In House panelists Mark Kennedy, parliamentary bureau chief for the Ottawa Citizen, and Elizabeth Thompson, senior writer for iPolitics, join to review the new government's performance during its first week in the House of Commons.