Midweek pod: Minister Carr on new pipeline review panel

Pipeline pressure.
The government announced the first of its promised environmental reviews of two pipeline projects, but will it change the outcome for Kinder Morgan's planned expansion of Trans Mountain — a pipeline that's already been under review for three years by the National Energy Board?
On The House midweek podcast, Chris talks with Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr about the new advisory panel, and why the government thinks another review will mollify opponents of the pipeline project.
Then, the Liberals have committed to leaving the 'first past the post' electoral system in the past. But can you really take the political self-interest out of the process?
Nathalie DesRosiers, dean of the faculty of law at the University of Ottawa and one of the leads on the influential 2004 report on electoral reform by the now-defunct Law Commission of Canada, and York University political science professor Dennis Pilon discuss the logistics of reforming the way we cast our ballots.