Battleground Watch - Quebec

Could the province of Quebec deliver a second Orange Wave on October 19?
In 2011, the NDP's stunning performance in the province left them with 58 of Quebec's 75 federal seats. That was a key factor in earning the party the title of Official Opposition for the first time.
Recent polls suggest Tom Mulcair may actually be able to improve the NDP's showing in the province.
CBC polls analyst Éric Grenier told The House that there are strong signs that the NDP "can at the very least hold on to the seats they won in 2011."
Grenier also said that the return of Gilles Duceppe as leader of the Bloc Quebecois is not translating into more support for the party. "There was a little bit of a mini honeymoon, or another honeymoon when Gilles Duceppe came back," he said. "But lately, most of their polls have been under 20 per cent," Grenier pointed out." "Looking at the numbers, they would have trouble winning a single seat."
Haven't got enough numbers? Éric Grenier joins The House over the summer for a deep dive into the polls and the data surrounding various battleground ridings across Canada.
Follow parties' gains and losses here with the CBC's Poll Tracker.
This week's episode of the CBC Pollcast features guest David Coletto, the CEO of Abacus Data, to discuss a new Abacus poll that shows 70 per cent of voters have not yet fully decided who they will vote for on Oct. 19. You can listen below or download the podcast here.