Preston Manning's prescription to recharge the Right

This week on The House, with the Conservative Party still in its post-election, pre-leadership phase, former Reform Party leader Preston Manning joins us to look ahead to how the party should approach the key files of today — and tomorrow.
Then, the government's point person on marijuana, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Justice Minister, Bill Blair, talks about the bumpy and complex road to legalization.
Legalization of marijuana isn't the only file where the new government's approach is a departure from the previous administration's. We talk to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister John McCallum and Conservative critic Michelle Rempel about the Liberals' move to repeal the Conservatives' controversial Citizenship Act, or C-24.
More than $18 billion dollars in the hole before factoring in new spending. How did the deficit in the Liberals' yet-to-be-tabled budget balloon so quickly? Canada's former Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page helps us cut through the pre-budget spin.
Finally, our In House panelists Susan Delacourt and Joël-Denis Bellavance look ahead to next week's First Ministers meeting in Vancouver where climate change is on the agenda, but where there will be a lot more at stake for Justin Trudeau.