Refugee crisis changes the tone of the campaign

Canada can and should be doing more to bring in a higher number of Syrian refugees than the government's current target. That's according to former Supreme Court justice and UN High Commissioner on Human Rights Louise Arbour. She joins us for a feature conversation.
Where do the three main parties stand on what Canada's role should be in the Syrian refugee crisis? We talk to Citizenship and Immigration Minister and Conservative candidate Chris Alexander, NDP candidate Paul Dewar and Liberal candidate Marc Garneau.
For two of the three main party leaders, Battleground Montreal has special significance. Both Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau are trying to keep their own seats in the city, and their two parties are squaring off everywhere on the island. Polls analyst Éric Grenier joins us for a closer look at Battleground Montreal.
Labour Day weekend marks the end of the "preliminary phase" of the election campaign. With the pace expected to pick up significantly in the coming days, In House panelists Rosemary Barton and Andrew Coyne discuss what voters should expect. They also address the Conservatives' handling of the Syrian refugees file.