Justin Trudeau visits struggling Alberta

This week on the mid-week podcast, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Alberta to meet with Premier Rachel Notley and discuss, among other things, the state of the economy, we talk to the leader of the Official Opposition in that province, Brian Jean.
The leader of the Wildrose was unimpressed with what came out of Wednesday's meeting, including making nearly $700 million in infrastructure money available "immediately" to spur a flagging economy. That money had already been allocated to Alberta, but was never spent.
"There was no news in relation to this meeting between Rachel Notley and the prime minister except for a $250 million return of Albertans' hard-earned money and I appreciate that. But there was no news on EI, on infrastructure on climate change or anything! It was really rather disappointing and discouraging," Jean told The House.
Above all, the leader of the Wildrose was disappointed with Justin Trudeau's language around the controversial issue of pipelines.
"The prime minister can't seem to say pipelines," Jean said. "That's not encouraging and it makes us very worried in Alberta, he can't seem to say the word pipelines."
Rachel Notley isn't the only provincial leader to get some face time with the Prime Minister this week. Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski was in Ottawa for a series of key meetings, including with Justin Trudeau. Premier Pasloski joins us to discuss his priorities when it comes to working with the federal government.