The House Road Trip: Day 1
We pulled in at the On Route in Mallorytown, Ont. just before 8 a.m., the same location Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stopped at when he kicked off his cross-country tour at the start of the new year.
Trevor Pritchard, clothed in red plaid and a Detroit Red Wings tuque, sat alone at a table with his massive coffee, the unmistakable red and yellow cup declaring it's Roll Up The Rim time in Canada.
We ran into one 25-year-old woman grabbing a coffee on her way from Montreal back home to Barrie. She works two jobs, but one day hopes to own her own bakery.
"I just want to move out of my parents' house," she said.
Day 1, 10 a.m.

Jobs were top of mind for a class of masters students we met at Queen's University. Their lives and job prospects are often used as a talking point by politicians.
They've already come to terms with the idea that they're likely have many jobs over their life spans.
"Everyone in this room and this program accepts that the lifestyle our parents had," said Shannon Hantsberger.
"It just won't happen."
Day 1, 2 p.m.

We walked down the main road of the downtown with outgoing Belleville Chamber of Commerce CEO Bill Saunders and his predecessor Jill Raycroft.
"A lot of of us are still waiting to understand what direction the Trudeau government is going to move in. You may know he was here for a town hall a bout a month go, it was very well received. People were lining up. I think a lot of us are still waiting to see what direction the government is going to take," he said.