The impact of the military coup attempt in Turkey

Chaos and confusion gripped Turkey on Friday after an attempted coup by elements of the military plunged the country into a state of unrest.
The situation of key NATO member in what is already an unstable could have significant consequences for Canada.
Retired Canadian diplomat Ferry de Kerckhove, who held numerous posts including postings in Pakistan, Indonesia and Egypt, talked to The House about what the potential consequences of the failed coup.

How did Trump get there?

Throughout the twists and turns of the U.S. presidential election, James Fallows, the renowned national correspondent for The Atlantic, has written a diligent log the magazine calls the Trump Time Capsules.
Now Donald Trump is about to officially become the Republican nominee at the party's convention in Cleveland next week.
"There really never has been before a person like Donald Trump who has come this close to getting presidential power in the U.S., somebody with a combination of temperamental oddity and recklessness, in my view, with absolutely no background whatsoever in public affairs," Fallows told CBC's The House.
"I thought it was important to lay down a chronicle, no matter how things go, of what people knew about him, when that was on the record about him, when the American electorate was deciding to make him the power powerful person on earth," he said.

Premiers-led trade mission to United Kingdom to be pitched in Whitehorse

Yukon Premier Darrell Pasloski believes the time is right for a premiers-led trade mission to the European Union and United Kingdom and will propose a trip to his provincial counterparts during their summer meeting next week in Whitehorse.
"A large portion of CETA trade is trade with the United Kingdom," Pasloski told The House. In the wake of the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union, "we need to make sure that we have access to that market."
Also up for debate in Whitehorse - inter-provincial trade, climate change and a possible clash health care transfers.
Quebec's health care minister has said that Ottawa has signaled it will let the annual increase in provincial health transfers fall to half its current level by the end of the year.
"During the last election, the federal government made a major commitment to renegotiate the Health Accord, so we need to now sit down with the federal government and have that conversation," Pasloski said.

The House also spoke to former Quebec Premier Jean Charest, who was the first to push for the creation of the Council of the Federation, about why he thought such a forum was needed and whether it is still relevant today.

Cleared senators owed apology, reimbursement for lost wages and legal expenses

Senators Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau are owed an apology and deserve compensation for missed pay and legal expenses, says retired Conservative senator and Master of Massey College Hugh Segal.
The three senators, who were suspended from the Senate due to allegations of inappropriate expense spending, were thrown under the bus, Segal told The House.
Senator Mike Duffy was charged with 31 offences relating to his expenses. He was cleared of all charges. Senator Pamela Wallin's expenses were subject to a lengthy investigation, but the RCMP ultimately decided against charging her. Finally this week, the charges of fraud and breach of trust against Patrick Brazeau were withdrawn by the Crown.
In his first interview since having his name cleared, Brazeau told reporters that his suspension from the Senate over his expensive claims was politically motivated.
Segal argued both the Senate and the RCMP have some serious questions to answer.

In House Panel

On this week's In House Panel, Globe and Mail parliamentary reporter Laura Stone and Maclean's Parliamentary Bureau Chief John Geddes discuss a possible Canadian peacekeeping mission to Northern Africa, the Conservative leadership race... and fashion.