If you liked Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld, you'll love...
Are you a fan of modern-day Jane Austen adaptations? Then The Next Chapter has a recommendation for you.

Jane Austen is an iconic author who has inspired many retellings, adaptations, spin-offs and more — the latest of which is Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld. Eligible, which is shaping up to be one of the biggest books of the summer, takes the classic tale of Pride and Prejudice and places it in modern-day Cincinnati. If you liked Eligible (or modern-day Austen adaptations in general!) The Next Chapter columnist Aparita Bhandari says you'll love the Canadian equivalent, The Jane Austen Marriage Manual by Kim Izzo.
What works in Eligible is how Curtis Sittenfeld has brought all the things that make Pride and Prejudice work together in a modern setting. There's a romance reality show, Liz is a magazine writer based in New York, she has an independent streak, but also has political leanings. Darcy is a snooty doctor. You have the Wickham character in the shape of Jasper, a married man Liz is having an affair with. There's IV treatments. LGBTQ issues come up. It's really interesting to see the way Sittenfeld has brought Pride and Prejudice into a contemporary setting. The way it comes together works really well.
I thought it was an interesting comparison because the two characters, Eligible's Liz and The Jane Austen Marriage Manual's Kate, are actually very similar. They are both magazine writers, they are both based out of New York, they are both approaching 40. In the case of Kate, the idea of marriage is on top of mind because of certain circumstances that have come about. So she goes back to Jane Austen and asks, 'What would Jane Austen do?' It's not a literal adaptation, but it brings in the Austen-esque characters, the Austen-esque plot and re-interprets them to suit a modern re-telling.
Aparita Bhandari's comments have been edited and condensed.