James Raffan, Mystery Book Panel

In this episode:
* James Raffan on Circling the Midnight Sun
* Jill Barber on The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey
* Our Mystery Book Panel recommends great holiday reading
* Vish Khanna reviews The Troop by Nick Cutter
* How I Wrote It: Mariko Tamaki on This One Summer

Shelagh's extended conversation with James Raffan

He investigates our history, and in his newest book Circling the Midnight Sun he asks some serious questions about the present and the future of the north in particular. It is a book about northern voices and northern people, and it's a road story that travels at 66.6 degrees latitude, following the Arctic Circle.
And if you ever had the idea that the north was a terra nullius, a land belonging to no one, this book will set you right. In fact, according to the Arctic Council, there are some four million people representing more than thirty different ethnic groups in the Arctic.
For the past almost four decades, James has spent time in the north. Encounters with the north and northerners, he says, have been the most important education he's received.
Shelagh spoke with James about his latest book Circling the Midnight Sun: Culture and Change in the Invisible Arctic at Elmhirst Resort on Rice Lake, Ontario. We hope you enjoy this extended version of their conversation.

Mystery Book Panel selections - Winter 2014

* Life or Death by Michael Robotham
* The Burning Room by Michael Connelly
* The Silent Boy by Andrew Taylor
* A Siege of Bitterns by Steve Burrows
P.K. Rangachari's picks:
* Walt by Russell Wangersky
* Will Starling by Ian Weir
* The Making of Mr. Gray's Anatomy by Ruth Richardson
* An Event in Autumn by Henning Mankell
J.D. Singh's picks:
* Eye for an Eye by T. Frank Muir
* My Venice and Other Escapes by Donna Leon
* I am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes
* Wait for Signs by Craig Johnson