Marni Jackson on the connection between Shelagh Rogers and Bob Dylan

Shelagh Rogers makes a cameo appearance in Marni Jackson's novel Don't I Know You?. Below, Jackson explains the connection between Shelagh Rogers and newly minted Nobel Prize laureate Bob Dylan.
There's a story called "Bob Dylan Goes Tubing," in which Rose and her family are up north at their summer cottage and they discover someone floating on the air mattress in the lake. They get out the binoculars and her husband says, "You know, it's incredible but this guy looks like Bob Dylan." And it turns out to be Bob Dylan, who, slightly disoriented, has gone looking for some tour date or something, and he got lost and ended up at their cottage.
They invite him up, and he stays for dinner and drinks but then he just doesn't go. He just stays there. So they're wondering what to serve him, but more importantly, what to play. What do you play for Bob Dylan while you're having drinks? So they've got CBC on, and on comes your show, Shelagh, and he goes, "Good old Shelagh Rogers — turn her up!" And it turns out that Bob Dylan and the boys — in my imagination — when they're on the tour bus, love listening to The Next Chapter, and to CBC. Because as Dylan explains, when you're on the road you want something regular that you can count on.
Marni Jackson's comments have been edited and condensed.