Waubgeshig Rice, Diane Schoemperlen

In this episode:
* Waubgeshig Rice on Legacy
* Tim Baker of Hey Rosetta! on Winter of the World by Ken Follett
* Diane Schoemperlen on By the Book
* Robert Wiersema: If you like One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, you'll love Galore by Michael Crummey

BONUS: Selected illustrations from "By the Book" by Diane Schoemperlen
The stories in By the Book are drawn, in some cases word for word, from passages from old manuals and discarded textbooks, but the words have been reordered in a brand new way. And the stories are illustrated with collages that Diane did herself.
The illustrations here are from "A Nervous Race" (which is based on Seaside and Wayside: Nature Readers Numbers 1 to 4 by Julia McNair Wright); "Alessandro in the New World" (based on Nuovissimo Grammatica Accelerata: Italian-Inglese Enciclopedida Populare by Angelo de Gaudenzi); "A Body Like a Little Nut" (based on The Commonly Occurring Wild Plants of Canada by H. B. Spotton); and "Consumptives Should Not Kiss Other People" (based on Ontario Public School Hygiene by A.P. Knight and Ontario Public School Health Book by Donald T. Fraser and George D. Porter).