Actress Imajyn Cardinal becomes different characters to overcome shyness

Imajyn Cardinal's first lead role in a feature film has her in every single scene. She spent seven weeks in a city she was unfamiliar with during the winter with no friends. A stressful time for a then 15- year-old girl.
"I grew up on film sets … but it's different when you're the lead and it's all about your character," said Cardinal.
The Cree actress's mom is Gemini Award-winning actress Michelle Thrush. When Cardinal wasn't on set, or learning her lines, she was receiving tutor as she is still in high school.
"I learned a lot about myself," said Cardinal. She learned that she really would like to direct in the future and that she works well under pressure.
The Saver opens opens in Montreal on April 8 and in Toronto on April 15.
Aside from acting, one of her other passions is the environment.
Two years ago, Cardinal travelled with her mom to the Arctic as part of a trip with Greenpeace. The campaign was called Save the Arctic and the two Cree women travelled with British actress Emma Thompson and her daughter who is the same age as Cardinal.
"I felt really hurt and emotional about it," said Cardinal, as she described seeing a beach full of plastic and melting icebergs.
"Whatever we do affects other parts of the world and we don't even know it, is what I realized," she said of her 10-day journey.
At 12-years-old, Cardinal spent two years living off the grid in B.C. This gave the young woman a real appreciation for electricity.
"I didn't have electricity and we just used a firewood stove."
It was also the first time she remembers becoming really aware of climate change.
Today, Cardinal calls Calgary home and says a lot of people in her city deny climate change is real. She holds herself responsible for creating awareness around climate change. Cardinal dreamily thinks about creating a group in her school and being a positive force for awareness — something that doesn't come easily for her.
Although she is an actress and performs in a family rock band, and dances pow wow, she readily admits that she is very shy. But she has learned to cope with it.
"I pretend like I'm a character. I pretend I'm a different person," she said.
"What you think, is what you can do."