Opportunities for reconciliation pop up in unexpected places

Reconciliation is a word we've been hearing a lot lately. It means: the act of reconciling, as in when former enemies agree to an amicable truce.
But here in Canada reconciliation means much more. It is the healing that must take place between indigneous people and the rest of the country.
It is a re-telling and correcting of our shared history.Reconciliation is a journey we are taking together. The first, and most tricky step, is education. That means putting aside what you think you know for new knowledge and perspective.
Here's what's on the show this week:
Sports team names and logos were back in the news this week thanks to a small city in southern Manitoba. Heather Francis is a city councillor in Morden, Manitoba. In early October she presented a request to council to open a discussion with a local hockey team called the Morden Redskins. The goal? To change their name.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has finished its work. But the work of sharing that truth is just beginning. The statements, documents, and other materials collected will now be housed at the University of Manitoba. Ry Moran is the director the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.
Tomson Highway is a playwright, novelist and music maker whose writing about life on the reserve brought him international fame, awards, and many accolades. His latest work, The (Post) Mistress, is a one-woman musical about a middle-aged mail sorter in small Francophone town in Ontario.
Ken Brown of the Ahousaht First Nation in British Columbia was out on the water fishing for halibut with a friend. While pulling up a fish line, he happened to turn around just in time to see a flare shoot up into the sky. They immediately leapt into action, and headed straight toward the capsized Leviathan II.
A Tribe Called Red - Burn Your Village to the Ground
Ry Moran - O Canada
Patricia Cano - Love I Know is Here