Remembering MMIW, Iceis Rain on two-spirited success and cellist Cris Derksen's unique musical genre

According to some statistics indigenous women are four times more likely to experience violence, and more likely to be the victim of exploitation and even murder. An RCMP report says 1,181 indigenous women and girls have been killed or are missing in Canada.
October 4th marks the National Day of Action and takes place on behalf of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
People across Canada mark the day with vigils, marches or by simply lighting a candle or offering a prayer.
A new production in Vancouver highlights the tragedy of missing and murdered indigenous women through opera. Missing Women is being produced by City Opera Vancouver and playwright and filmmaker Marie Clements has been chosen as the librettist. She said she was inspired to address the issue of missing and murdered women and girls because it's one that has haunted her for years.
Massey Whiteknife is a successful business man. Iceis Rain is a rock and roll diva. They are also the same person. Find out how Massey and Iceis co-exist.
The Wii ChiiwaakanakLearning Centre is part of the University of Winnipeg, located right in the middle of downtown. More than 1700 community members use the centre every month. Residents can use computers for free or learn how to speak their own language with their families. Unreserved heads to the Let's Speak Ojibwe class.
Cree cellist Cris Dersken drops by to share her unique blend of orchestral music and powwow.
Possibility - Sierra Noble
Best of Me - Leonard Sumner
The Warrior - Iceis Rain
Kakina Pasekok - Cris Derksen