Susan Aglukark's campaign against youth suicide
Singer and cultural treasure, Susan Aglukark recently launched a social media campaign called #ArcticRoseWarCry as a way to speak out against suicide.

In Canada's far north, the number of suicides is at crisis levels.
In Nunavut, a record 45 people took their own lives in 2013, prompting that territory's coroner to announce an inquest into the epidemic. The territory has had a suicide prevention strategy in place since 2010 and the issue has been the subject of multiple studies.
But singer and cultural treasure Susan Aglukark says more must be done to save lives. Nunavut's Arctic rose recently launched a social media campaign called #ArcticRoseWarCry as a way to speak out against suicide.
And raise awareness — especially among young people.
Click the listen button above to hear Susan's story.