Who gets to claim Indigeneity?

Joseph Boyden has recently faced accusations that he faked his Indigenous identity. The controversy has sparked a wildfire of opinions across the country, and has people asking: what does Indigenous really mean?
To dig into this, we invited three people to be part of a panel discussion. They each have very different and passionate viewpoints on who and how we belong.

Lisa Meeches is an Indigenous advocate and filmmaker. She has come forward and said she will be adopting Joseph Boyden as her spiritual brother. To explain how cultural adoptions work, Troy Westwood - a former CFL football player - will describe his own cultural adoption into the Anishinabe culture and his path to becoming Little Hawk.
Have you ever driven down Colonization Road? It's a real road in many cities and towns across the country.
A new documentary by Michelle St. John takes a journey to find out where Colonization Road began, and ends.
Christi Belcourt's own identity often spills out as paint. The award winning artist is Michif and calls Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta home. Last year, Christi she created a powerful self-portrait that challenges everyone to re-think our notions of identity.
Leonard Sumner - Tears and Time
Beatrice Deer - Fox