Spin, Science and E-Cigarettes

By now, you've likely seen someone using an e-cigarette.

Vaping, as it's called, is everywhere, from red carpets to your local corner store. That's despite the fact that the sale of liquid nicotine, which many "vapers" use to help them quit smoking, is not approved in Canada.
What you might not know is that there's a battle being waged over the use of e-cigarettes
One side wants to convince you e-cigs are a dangerous offshoot of big tobacco, the other would have you see them as certain salvation for tobacco addicts.
You can have your say regarding how you think e-cigarettes should be regulated in our poll, below.
The science is inconclusive at this point, so who do you believe?

Ultimately, that's your decision.
Dr. Brian Goldman will tell you who the stakeholders are and how they are fighting the war for public opinion and ultimately, public policy. We'll examine what their spin is, and why they desperately want to convince you they have your best interests - and your best health - at heart.
Here's a look at the numbers in Canada when it comes to e-cigarettes and tobacco.
UPDATE: An earlier version of the program stated that a report by Public Health England which found that vaping was around 95 percent safer than smoking, had been funded by the e-cigarette industry. That was not the case. While there has been criticism of the findings, they relate to one study included in the review. The authors have since responded to those criticisms here.