Genie Bouchard burned by Patriots' Super Bowl comeback
Face meets palm as Bouchard tweets too soon

Canadian tennis star Genie Bouchard learned a lesson in counting her chickens before they hatch this Super Bowl Sunday.
Lesson learned. Never bet against Tom Brady 😇
It all started when she was a bit too confident that the Atlanta Falcons would win the NFL title game after taking a big lead.
I knew Atlanta would win btw
An opportunistic and optimistic fan looked at the odds and decided to lay it on the table by asking the star for a date via Twitter.
<a href="">@geniebouchard</a> if patriots win we go on a date?
Perhaps feeling overconfident in the Falcons, or maybe some daze and confusion caused by Lady Gaga's whirlwind halftime show, but Bouchard replied with "Sure."
Sure <a href=""></a>
And then we all know what happened next: the Patriots staged a huge comeback to win the Super Bowl.
So...where do you live? <a href=""></a>
So is the date going to happen? Inquiring minds want to know!
<a href="">@punslayintwoods</a> Hope you've got some ideas in place for where you're gonna take <a href="">@geniebouchard</a> out. What's your favourite restaurant? 😛
Or perhaps a better question:
<a href="">@nickprice92</a> <a href="">@geniebouchard</a> more important question is what's hers?
<a href="">@punslayintwoods</a> <a href="">@nickprice92</a> <a href="">@geniebouchard</a> aaaah! A true gentleman! 👌🏻
Yes, Genie, you did make your bed...
Omg...last night really happened... <a href=""></a>
And it seems you're going to lie in it:
Lol it made a Twitter moment. And I will do it, I stay true to my word 🙏🏼 <a href=""></a>