Female Mariners' scout is breaking down barriers in the baseball world
Amanda Hopkins is the 1st full-time female MLB scout in over 50 years

Nearly two years ago, Amanda Hopkins' phone rang. It was a call she dreamt of receiving, one that broke barriers and made her a part of baseball history.
Almost immediately, her competitiveness took over.
"She put a sign up on her bedroom door saying, 'Stay out, we're opponents,"' recalled her father, Ron Hopkins, a special assistant to the general manager for the Pittsburgh Pirates. "In other words, my bedroom is off limits to you, there is info in here. I got a kick out of it."
The 24-year-old Hopkins is now about to complete her second year as an area scout for the Seattle Mariners. Her responsibility is the Four Corners area of the Southwest, taking her to destinations like Greeley, Colorado, and Hobbs, New Mexico, two of the more challenging places to get to from her base in the Phoenix area.
She is also the first full-time female baseball scout in more than 50 years, breaking through a barrier that required diligence on her end and willingness by the Mariners organization.
It's usually more of like a shocked look. But then they're more curious, they're like, 'How'd you get into this?'- Amanda Hopkins
Yet, Hopkins does not view herself through that prism or want to be viewed as a trailblazer. She's a scout . That's it.
"I think if anything people are more shocked sometimes when I will go meet with a player in the office or something like that. Maybe they just know, hey the Mariners' scout is coming in to meet with you today and they walk in and they're like, 'Oh.' That kind of thing," Hopkins said. "It's usually more of like a shocked look. But then they're more curious, they're like, 'How'd you get into this?' And they kind of like want a brief rundown of how I got to where I am. All the players, all the coaches, are incredibly respectful to me."
While she is believed to be the first woman to work as a full-time baseball scout since Edith Houghton in the middle of the 20th century, Hopkins has been around baseball since she was a child.
She travelled with her father to games, regularly making trips to the Alaskan Summer League or the Cape Cod League in summers. She would run the radar gun and pass along the speeds to her dad when she was as young as 8. It was obvious early on she possessed the same critical eye as her dad.
Learning at a young age
"She learned at an early age the difference between a curveball and a slider. As she got older it just sort of grew on her," Ron said.
"I'd go out with my dad and they'd be like 'Oh what do you want to do when you grow up?' And I'd tell them, 'I want to be a baseball scout,"' Amanda said. "It's like this little girl telling them that and it's like, 'Oh that's cute. She wants to be like her dad.' But really, I think it was kind of like she'll grow out of it. That's kind of what everyone thought."
Instead, her passion for the job only grew. She majored in psychology while playing softball at Central Washington University, yet that failed to satisfy her desire to be around baseball.
"The whole time I was in there I wanted to be a baseball scout," Hopkins said. "And I remember probably my freshman year, sophomore year, I was like I really don't want to do anything but that. So why am I trying to almost talk myself out of it and find a different path?"

Hopkins was part of a panel earlier this week about women in baseball organized by the Mariners. She is starting to get comfortable with the history she has made. But she doesn't want that to be her entire story in baseball.
"I have so much to learn still. This is such a profession that takes so many years to fully understand and you're continually learning," Hopkins said. "My dad, 40 years into scouting, is still learning something every time he goes to the park. So I definitely think that I just want to be the best area scout I can be right now. But I love the scouting aspect of it. I really think that I want to stay in the scouting side of the game."