Fans remember Blue Jays' 1992 World Series win

Twenty years ago today in Atlanta, the Toronto Blue Jays sealed the first-ever World Series title win for a team north of the 49th parallel.
After Joe Carter caught the ball at first base for the last out of the season, the burly first baseman and his teammates weren't the only ones jumping up and down for joy, according to some of the stories you've shared with us.
We asked fans what for some of their favourite and long-lasting memories from Oct. 24, 1992, and here are a few of your responses:
Rod Rod Rod: Watched it with one other Canadian in an empty TV lounge of a university dormitory in Scotland. Then walked out onto the streets ... total silence. The following year, I was back in Canada ... different story
Lynn HD: I remember it like it was yesterday. Sitting on the edge of my couch waiting to see Joe Carter catch that ball on first base! Jumped off the couch screaming and jumping up and down like I was on that field with them. Great memories!
Matthew Mountney: kelly grubers raspberry chin was awesome and the blown triple play call and the big pitch hit homerun by ed sprague went along way in the jays comeback
Arnold Schwartz: Will never forget that announcer saying for the first time the championship is headed north of the border!! Bursted with pride!! Then watching Albert St. In Regina,shut down as everyone drove up and down celebrating,honking,cheering till 3am! One nation truly united that night:)
Randy Fedorchuk: The dramatic pinch hit homer in game 2 by Ed Sprague. The carrying upside down of the Canadian flag in Atlanta. Their annoying tomahawk chop chant.
Robert Singer: Ruined my moms place!!! what a party then she came home, screaming at the top of her lungs!!! We're number 1!!! So we kept the party going. Got to love how Cater was the last person to touch the ball last in BOTH world series.
Feel free to add some of your favourite memories below in the comment section.