Tim Thomas backs company in gay marriage controversy
Boston goaltender has offered support to Chick-fil-A restaurants

Tim Thomas is trending on Twitter again.
The Boston Bruins' goaltender made waves on Thursday afternoon by giving support to Chick-fil-A restaurants, an organization whose president, Dan Cathy, has been under fire for his widely published statements about gay marriage.
"I stand with Chick-fil-A" Thomas wrote on his Facebook account, a statement that had generated over 27,000 "Likes" by 8 p.m. ET.
Likes are a Facebook user's way of expressing support for a statement or posting.
Thomas's posting also included a repeat of a blog found online the day before that included Cathy's statements on the issue, including: "We are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'"
The company has tried to distance itself from its president's statement this week by saying it wanted to get away from taking political positions.
Thomas's short statement does not specifically say whether he supports Chick-fil-A for Cathy's beliefs on gay marriage or its right to hold opinions; no followup has been posted.
Earlier this year, the Boston goaltender, who says he will not play this season, made headlines when he refused for political reasons to accompany his Stanley Cup-winning team to the White House to meet President Barack Obama.