Athletics Canada launches competitive track series to aid Olympic hopefuls
Meets to take place in 4 provinces, 10 cities across Canada

On Thursday, Athletics Canada announced its Tokyo Qualifier Series—a nine-meet domestic series that offers high-level competitive opportunities to Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls.
The first meet is set for May 21 in Ottawa, with the final stop being a World Athletics Continental Tour - bronze level meet in Montreal on June 29—the final day for Olympic qualification.
"With more than half of our National Team athletes based in Canada, and spots on Canada's Olympic and Paralympic teams on the line, we felt it was our responsibility to offer a series of quality domestic competitions," said Simon Nathan, Athletics Canada's High Performance Director.
"Our athletes, including medal hopefuls, were facing a significant challenge knowing where to compete without crossing the border to the United States or boarding a flight to compete internationally—and having to quarantine upon arrival and return. We are thankful that our provincial branches, clubs and some of Canada's most experienced meet directors stepped up to offer a great series of meetings, to provide our athletes with high-quality competition options right here in Canada."
Today we announced the Athletics Canada Tokyo Qualifier Series, a nine-meet series to offer athletes the opportunity to achieve the Olympic or Paralympic qualification standard and to gain valuable world rankings points. <br>EN: <a href=""></a><br>FR: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
In the meantime, Athletics Canada and local organizing committees are continuing to work with authorities regarding public health regulations.
Athletes are being given an opportunity to register through an individual meet website or the meet's director.
Series schedule
Date: May 21-22
Event / Meet Category: Ottawa HP Weekend / National Permit Meeting (Category E)
Venue / Location: Terry Fox Athletic Facility / Ottawa, Ont.
Date: May 29
Event / Meet Category: Johnny Loaring Classic / National Permit Meeting (Category E)
Venue / Location: University of Windsor Stadium / Windsor, Ont.
Date: June 2
Event / Meet Category: Ontario High Performance Series – Toronto / National Permit Meeting (Category E)
Venue / Location: Toronto Track & Field Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Date: June 5
Event / Meet Category: Royal City Inferno Track & Field Festival / NACAC Area Permit (Category D)
Venue / Location: Alumni Stadium, Guelph, Ont. (Throws: TBD)
Date: June 5
Event / Meet Category: Kamloops Throws Festival / National Permit Meeting (Category E)
Venue / Location: Tournament Capital Centre, Kamloops, B.C.
Date: June 9
Event / Meet Category: Victoria Track Classic / NACAC Area Permit (Category D)
Venue / Location: Centennial Stadium, Victoria, B.C. (Field events: TBD)
Date: June 12
Event / Meet Category: Vancouver Sun Harry Jerome Track Classic / NACAC Area Permit (Category D)
Venue / Location:
Track events: Swangard Stadium, Burnaby, B.C.
Throws (except the javelin throw): Tournament Capital Centre / Kamloops, B.C.
Jumps (plus the javelin throw): University of British Columbia / Vancouver, B.C.
Date: June 13
Event / Meet Category: 2021 CALTAF Classic / National Permit Meeting (Category E)
Venue / Location: Foothills Athletics Park / Calgary, Alta.
Date: June 29
Event / Meet Category: La Classique d'Athlétisme de Montréal présente par Boutique Courir / World Athletics Continental Tour – Bronze (Category C)
Venue / Location: Complexe Claude-Robillard / Montreal, Que.