The solitude of sport
Athletes captured taking a moment of pause amidst the noise of the outside world

The streets are quiet, the parks are closed, and gatherings are cancelled.
This is our current reality amongst the quarantine measures put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. I've heard it referred to as the "Great Pause," yet for many, this period of physical distancing with unknown parameters is unsettling.
Although our schedules may be quieter than we've ever seen them, a storm is raging around us as we collectively race to outrun this disease.
This juxtaposition of quiet within a storm reminds me of sport. Of those moments when athletes appear to exist in total isolation amongst the backdrop of competition, crowds, and expectations.
The images I've collected from my portfolio encapsulate this sentiment, where amongst the noise there is quiet, and amongst the quiet there is noise.
I hope they help you find solace in knowing that isolation is more common that we think. It is always with us, in the moments between moments.
These glimpses into the past allow us to see athletes taking a moment of pause amidst the noise of professional sport.
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