Canada's Winter Olympic uniforms through the years
Spoiler alert: There are lots of Maple Leafs
Canada unveiled its team uniforms for the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics on Tuesday, and the highlights include a two-toned puffy jacket and a red-and-black lumberjack baseball hat.

How do these unis stack up against the clothing worn at past Winter Games? Here's a sartorial step back in time that features some of the unique looks Canada's best athletes have worn. And who knows, maybe one of these will inspire the next designer rip-off.
Sochi 2014
Mittens and toques are a staple of the Canadian closet, but the toggle coats with the faux cummerbunds were ... interesting, to say the least.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Maple Leafs

Vancouver 2010
Parkas, lumberjack scarves and the all-red mittens all make sense for hosting an Olympics in Canada. But given that the Games were in Vancouver, perhaps something a little lighter and rain-resistant would've been a good idea.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 toboggans

Torino 2006
Turin is only a short train ride away from Milan, one of the world's fashion capitals. Canada wasn't exactly sprezzatura at those Games in Italy, wearing white jackets with screen-printed graphics and white, fluffy hats. So, so fluffy.
Rating: 2 out of 5 polar bears

Salt Lake City 2002
The "Canada" script was a great look, and the leather jackets with the vintage maple leaf and white piping will send a lot of Canadian sports fans rushing to their basements hoping that the jackets are delicately crammed into a box somewhere. Plus, winter headbands are making a comeback, right?
Rating: 4 out of 5 honey crullers

Nagano 1998
Varsity jacket? Check. Kangol-style cap worn backwards? Check. Tinted sunglasses worn on the aforementioned hat? You got yourself the perfect '90s look courtesy of The Great One.
Rating: 3 out of 5 hockey pucks

Lillehammer 1994
What do you get when you cross a Cossack with a matador? Something that should only be worn when Canadians visit Norway, apparently. These definitely fall in the "so bad it's good" category, making it The Room of Olympic outfits.
Rating: 5 out of 5 Molsons

Albertville 1992
Someone had to take up the mantle of big coats and fluffy hats in the first Winter Games in the post-Soviet era. Ironically, this ensemble could've used a little more red.
Rating: 3.25 out of 5 snowmobiles

Calgary 1988
Remember, kids, it's "Yahoo!" not "Yee-haw!"
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 deep-fried Stampede treats