Mark McMorris leads Canadian slopestyle sweep at Dew Tour
Regina native wins 5th consecutive title at the event

Canadian snowboarder Mark McMorris took home the Dew Tour snowboard slopestyle title for the fifth consecutive year on Saturday, securing a clean third and final run in the jib section with perfect 270 on, 270 off combinations.
Friday's jump section score of 95.33 combined with his jib section score of 77.33 was more than enough for McMorris to win the event in Breckenridge, Colo.
"It means everything to me to win," said McMorris. "Yesterday was a huge milestone, doing that frontside triple that I broke my femur on last season, and then to make it work today in the jib section, I am just so happy."
It was a Canadian sweep with 22-year-old Max Parrot closing out second place with 161.66 total points, and 24-year-old Sebastien Toutant rounding out the podium with a total score of 160.66.
Canadians Tyler Nicholson and Michael Ciccarelli finished fifth and sixth, giving Canada five of the top six performers.
Swede Harlaut keeps momentum
Swedish skier Henrik Harlaut also kept his momentum with his top scoring day yesterday in the jump section of the ski slopestyle, reaching the Dew Tour podium for the first time in four years. His second jib score of 81.33 pushed his total to 162.65 and enough for the win.
"I feel phenomenal," said Harlaut. "I'm so, so stoked. This whole format and everything is awesome. It's nice to have more attention towards each section. And everyone was skiing so good. It was really fun to watch."
Behind Harlaut was Norwegian Oystein Braten, with a final total of 158.32. Third place honours went to Alex Beaulieu-Marchand of Canada, with a total score of 153.99.
Fourteen-year-old Estonian ripper Kelly Sildaru came back this year with a vengeance to secure back-to-back women's Dew Tour ski slopestyle titles.
After yesterday's historic performance with back-to-back 900's in the jump section, Sildaru secured her title in the jib section with 73.00 points, making her total 159.33, a full six points higher than the rest of the group.
"I'm really stoked," said Sildaru. "The heavy snow made it a little difficult, but everyone still did really well and I'm really happy with the result."
American Maggie Voisin finished second with153.32, and Canadian Kaya Turski, landed in third with 146.99.