Canadian Paralympic Committee supports IPC's decision to suspend Russian, Belarusian Paralympic Committees
International Paralympic Committee may consider expulsion if the situation worsens

The Canadian Paralympic Committee announced its support of the International Paralympic Committee's decision to suspend all membership rights of the Russian and Belarusian Paralympic Committees until further notice.
"Because of the continued war and atrocities in Ukraine, this is the logical next step in reaffirming our message that aggression and war are not acceptable," the CPC said in a statement following Wednesday's decision.
The IPC may consider expulsion in accordance with the IPC Constitution if the situation worsens. The IPC General Assembly can also revoke any suspension imposed in accordance with the IPC Constitution if the grounds on which it was imposed no longer apply.
"The CPC joins the worldwide movement of NPCs and other sporting organizations in continuing to condemn the atrocities being undertaken by Russia and Belarus in Ukraine," CPC president Marc-André Fabien said.
The IPC's decision to suspend the Russian and Belarusian Paralympic Committees stems from their inability to comply with membership obligations under the IPC Constitution, including:
- The obligation to respect, support and promote the purpose and objects of the IPC, including the obligation to ensure that, in Para sport within the Paralympic Movement, the spirit of fair play prevails, the safety and health of the athletes are protected, and fundamental ethical principles are upheld
- The obligation to manage its affairs autonomously and without improper interference from bodies outside the Paralympic Movement, including ensuring that its operations are not influenced by any political, governmental, or religious interference
- The obligation to not do anything (by act or omission) that is contrary to the purpose or objects of the IPC and/or that risks bringing the IPC, the Paralympic Movement, or Para sport into disrepute
With files from The Associated Press