Player's Own Voice podcast: Jennifer Jones takes the 5th
Canadian curling great discusses surprising move to add Lisa Weagle

According to her peers, teammates and adversaries, Jennifer Jones is the greatest female curler of all time.
According to Anastasia Bucsis, host of Player's Own Voice, 'J- Jones' is a strong contender for greatest podcast guest of all time — no matter what Ben Hebert might say in his own defence.
The Manitoba skip recently negotiated the biggest free-agent transaction in curling history, bringing Lisa Weagle into her rink as a fifth. Curling fans were taken aback by the move: How much firepower can a team possibly have if Lisa Weagle is the fifth?
Jones answers that question neatly on the podcast. The true value of the fifth is best revealed at the Olympics, so why wait to the last second to build the team that is going for gold on the biggest stage?
Jones also addresses her famous intensity, and helps us understand how being competitive can be compartmentalized. She insists that her focus on winning melts away when she's off the ice. Fierce and friendly seems like an oxymoron, but Jones is living proof it can happen.
Like the CBC Sports' Player's Own Voice essay series, POV podcast lets athletes speak to Canadians about issues from a personal perspective. To listen to Jennifer Jones, or last week's guests Christine Sinclair, subscribe for free on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Tune In or wherever you get your other podcasts.