Robin Williams on sports
Beloved comedian/actor tackled athletics in standup, movies

Famed comedian and actor Robin Williams on Monday was found dead of an apparent suicide at his home in the San Francisco Bay Area. He was 63.
As a tribute to the beloved funnyman, who also showed serious chops as a dramatic actor, here are a few of his brushes with the sports world.
(Most of the clips contain some pretty salty language, so viewer discretion is definitely advised.)
Williams's role as a tough but empathetic Boston therapist in the 1997 film Good Will Hunting earned him a Best Supporting Actor Oscar.
In this scene, he tells Matt Damon's title character the story of why he skipped out on Game 6 of the 1975 World Series at Fenway Park — won by the Red Sox on Carlton Fisk's iconic 12th-inning homer — to go "see about a girl":
Here's Williams goofing with fellow comedian/actor Billy Crystal and tennis star Andre Agassi during a celebrity match in the late 1990s:
A stand-up comedian since the early 1970s, Williams performed this bit on the Winter Olympics in which (starting at 3:35) he takes on Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati's positive marijuana test and pokes fun at Canada's hockey dominance:
Here's Williams on golf:
And his off-colour take on the differences between soccer, football and hockey: