Chile fans break into Maracana stadium, get lost
Supporters break down wall, end up in media centre

About 100 fans busted through a security checkpoint at the Maracana stadium less than an hour before the Spain-Chile game Wednesday, damaging the media room as they desperately ran around in an apparent attempt to get into the game.
The red-shirted Chileans, mostly young men, sprinted through the huge FIFA media centre underneath the stands and ran toward a corridor they apparently thought would lead to the grandstands.
But once inside that corridor, they realized it didn't lead to the stands. They broke down a temporary wall, sending metal lockers crashing to the ground, according to journalists.
"I was the lone guy standing out there (near entry to press centre)," security guard Diego Goncalves said. "All of a sudden they knocked down the fence and just pushed their way through."
One guard grabbed a Chilean by the neck and dragged him away.
Security guards eventually surrounded the group, made them sit on the ground and led them away in a line with each Chilean holding onto the shoulders of another in front of him.
The CBC's Steven D'Souza was there for the aftermath.
Here's an interview D'Souza did with The Globe's John Doyle:
FIFA released a statement on Wednesday afternoon, condemning the incident. The organization praised security officials for bringing the situation under control quickly.