Kids keep writing letters to the animals and staff of Arctic Vets and we can't get enough of the cuteness

The show Arctic Vets is really striking a chord with kids.
The show takes place at The Assiniboine Park Conservancy (APC) in Winnipeg. Within the span of a week, APC received two heartfelt letters from kids, both referencing the show.
One was concerned fan mail for Gambit the wolf, who was diagnosed with several tumours in episode 2. Kaidan and his sister Mika were worried about the wolf's health, so they sent him homemade get-well cards.

Dear Gambit,
Our son Kaidan has been watching your stay on Arctic Vets. He was very concerned to learn about the lumps on your back and is hoping in upcoming episodes he will find out whether or not they're benign. Until then, Kaidan and his sister Mika wanted to make and send you some cards to help you feel better. We also included a photo of them in front of your wolf pack from their last visit to the zoo a few weeks ago (maybe you're even in the photo?).
You have our whole family thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon!
Take care
APC responded to Kaidan and Mika's letter on their Facebook with some good news:
"You saw on an episode of Arctic Vets that the team found some lumps along Gambit's back. The lumps were tested and ended up being benign. We are still keeping a close eye on his health, especially as he gets older, but Gambit is doing well! Thank you so much for your thoughtful letter. It means so much to us to hear how much you care for the animals at the Zoo."

Another young viewer was inspired by animal care professionals Jackie Enberg and Heather Penner, who are featured in the series. Thomas' letter to them reads:
Dear Jackie and Heather,
I love the show Arctic Vets. I loved watching you train the polar bear to do yoga! I can tell you love animals and so do I. My favourite animals are the Arctic fox, the snowy owl and especially the polar bears. Watching this show has made me want to do the job you do when I grow up. What is your job called and what education do you need? What is the hardest part of your job? What is the best part? If I come to visit the Assiniboine Park Conservancy, could I meet you?
I hope there are more episodes of Arctic Vets and that you are in them. I am your greatest fan! Thank you for taking amazing care of these wonderful Arctic animals. We hope to visit sometime soon when COVID is over.
All the best and warm regards,
If that doesn't warm your heart, we don't know what will.
If you or your kids would like to send a letter to the animals (or humans) of Arctic Vets, you can mail it to:
Assiniboine Park Zoo
2595 Roblin Boulevard
Winnipeg, MB
R3P 2N7